Do I need a partner?
What do I wear on my first visit?
What will I learn?
If you have a specific dance or style your interested then we will focus on that, otherwise we will teach you a variety of the popular social dances such as swing, salsa & more.
How often do I need to come in for lessons?
How do the parties work?
Our practice parties are designed to give you a place to dance, where you can reach out for help and have fun at the same time. All of our instructors attend our parties to help facilitate the most success.
What dances do you teach?
Who will be my teacher?
Your First Dance Lesson is Free
You don't need a dance partner, nor experience, nor natural talent. Dance is a practical skill that helps you loosen up & have fun in weddings and company parties, and gives you access to a warm, friendly community of people just like you!
Do you want to schedule a time now? Click Here!