Want to put your dance hobby on the fast track? Do you ever wish you could switch places with a celebdrity on Dancing with the Stars? While there are many students that prefer to learn to be a comfortable social dancer, there are those that want a challenge, and to push their ballroom and latin dancing to a competitive level.
Maybe you loved competition in another hobby, or you just need an aggressive, but fun, deadline to make the most of your investment in this activity. Whatever the reason, competitive dancing is an exciting way to push the limits of your comfort zone.
There are Arthur Murray events for every skill or interest level. These competitive dance events can put your learning on the fast track, and improve your self confidence on, and off, the dance floor.
> In-Studio Events – Whether it is a demonstration at one of our Practice Parties, Open House, or Studio Showcase, these events are a great first step to participating in larger public events.
> District Events – Combine the community of a studio event but with the format of a large scale competition and you get a District Showcase. Held twice a year at the Marriott Hotel in San Jose, this event is the largest of its kind in the Arthur Murray organization and features two days of dancing, and over 12 studios in Northern California and Nevada.
> Dance-O-Rama® – This is the largest of the exhibition events. In most cases, these events involve travel, heavy preparation time, and, at some point, dance costumes. These events are held in locations like Hawaii, Las Vegas, Southern California, or Italy. Students and teachers from around the Arthur Murray world attend, and it is the fastest way to progress in your dance hobby and confidence using it.
Learn More about the Unique Dance-O-Rama®