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Jules Riviello BIO

Dance Instructor at Redwood City Dance Studio

When did you start at Arthur Murray?

May 2016

What was your “tipping point” for pursuing this job?

My tipping point was when I realized how unhappy I was at my other job. I wanted to pursue my passion for dance, and share it with others. I am so thankful to have found Arthur Murray.

Your favorite day at work so far...

My favorite day at work so far was Medal Ball! it was so great to dance with the students and see everyone show the progress that they have made. We had a ton of fun.

If you had to pick the most rewarding thing about working with your students, what would it be?

The most rewarding thing about working with my students is watching them prove themselves wrong. Most students don't think they can dance, but I believe in them. Seeing a student light up when they accomplish a new step or dance style is so heartwarming. As a dancer, I have been in their shoes and gone through that struggle, and I know how frustrating it can be. When my students stick with it and persevere, it makes my day every time.

What’s the best thing about the team you work with?

The best thing about my team is their love and support. We are like a bug happy family. We are constantly rooting for each other and pushing each other to our limits so that we reach our goals. Our positive attitudes come together to create a superstar atmosphere. They are the best.

How would you describe the school you work in?

The school that I work in is INCREDIBLE. Everything from the staff to students is amazing. I love the strong sense of community between our students. It reminds me that this is more than a hobby for some people, its a lifestyle, and our school makes that possible. It's mind blowing, and I love it.

What are some of your biggest accomplishments you’re most proud of?

Some of my biggest accomplishments include teaching a total of 23 lessons in one week, working 6 days because I'd rather be dancing/teaching then anything else, being asked to compete, and making it to the next round of our All Star Tournament. I'm very excited to see what comes next.

What is one off-the-wall weird fact about you?

I hate wearing normal colored lipsticks. I love to make bold colors look classy. My faves include navy blue, chocolate brown, army green, lavender, and black.

Before Arthur Murray I worked as a(n)….

Veterinary Assistant

What sets Arthur Murray apart from all other dance studios?

Arthur Murray is set apart from other dance studios because we are a school. We have a curriculum that we follow that caters to our students, and we always make a point to never make our students feel less than. They are HERE. That's huge! Its hard to find something that challenges you and stick with it. We prefer to boost them up instead of tell them they aren't good enough to do this or that. We believe in them wholeheartedly.

Jules Riviello, Dance Instructor at Arthur Murray Dance Center Redwood City


Our certified dance instructors will have you dancing within the first 10 minutes of your lesson.

Using the official Arthur Murray teaching methods, they can teach you how to say yes any time a dance situation presents itself. Want to try a free dance lesson and see for yourself?